The last few weeks of pregnancy can be anything but predictable. One aspect that is in your control is having your hospital bag packed early and efficiently. Pack early! Keep it simple. Try to limit the last minute items to throw in the bag in a hurry (aka buy travel size, pack an extra phone charger, etc.). And remember, most hospitals provide essentials, like diapers, wipes, burp clothes, post-partum items for mom, etc.


  • Insurance Card.

    • Tip- If you can, try to register with the hospital ahead of time. This saves you time and effort on the big day when everything can get pretty crazy. You still need to bring your insurance card and ID, but it saves you the hassle the day of.

  • Driver’s License.

  • Birth Plan, if you have one.

*I kept any important documents I needed in a little pouch (linked here). This way, I could easily pull it out with everything in there, or if my husband needed to do it he did not have to dig around to find everything.

*I moved cross-country at 36 weeks with both of my babies so I also kept a comprehensive prenatal report from my doctor with me, in case I went into labor early or in transit. If you are traveling, it might not be a bad idea to have your doctor’s office print one for you to keep with you, just in case.

  • Slippers or socks with grippies on the bottom. Linked here. I brought two pairs.

  • Robe. I wore the Lake Pajamas Pima Robe in Hydrangea and I LOVE it. Linked here.

  • Pajamas. I also wore the Lake Maternity Pajamas in Hydrangea and I still love them. Linked here. With both kids I had post-partum hot flashes and night sweats so I decided to go with the shorts set. I figured I could always add blankets if I was cold in the hospital room.

  • Pillow. I personally bring my pillow everywhere I go. *Tip- do not put your pillow in a white pillowcase. Everything in the hospital is white and if your pillow is white it can easily be left behind.

  • Toiletries. Remember essentials like medicine, glasses, contacts, toothbrush and toothpaste, a brush, and shower products. When you are able to take a shower for the first time, you will feel like a new woman.

  • Charger. When I was looking into hospital bag checklists for packing my bag, every one of them said a LONG charging cord. And now I agree 100%. There were no chargers within reach of my bed in the recovery room for my second baby and it was such a pain with shorter cord, so I would also suggest a charger with a long cord.

  • Flip flops/shower shoes.

  • Outfit for going home (think comfy and loose).

  • Nursing bra, or a very comfortable bra.

  • Breast pump. *I did not bring my breast pump the second time. My hospital provided a hospital-grade pump and all of the accessories while I was in the hospital. But pack your own if you want to get used to yours, ask any questions, etc.

  • Cord blood kit, if applicable. I ended up using CBR and was very pleased with the process… further info linked here.


  • Outfit for going home.

  • A few onesies. But a few things to note- don’t overdo it. And be mindful of packing a few sizes because you do not know how early or late, large or small your baby will be.

  • Hat, socks, baby mittens.

  • Blanket or swaddle (although most hospitals provide basic swaddles and blankets).

  • Pacifier if you want (my hospital provided pacis, too).

  • Any mementos or items for pictures, footprints, etc.

  • Pediatrician information.


With my first baby, I had to be induced at 41+ weeks, so our bags had been packed for a little while and a scheduled induction made it a little easier to plan. My second baby came a week early (and actually we were on the list to be induced that day), but I had been packed since 35 weeks. My husband is more of a “pack at the last minute” kind of person, and truth be told, I had a few essentials for him packed in my bag for a few weeks…just in case.

  • Pillow. Those pull out couches/cots are rough so pack anything for a little extra comfort. Again, not a white pillowcase.

  • Charger.

  • Extra clothes.

  • Snacks.

  • Toiletries.

  • Headphones, iPad/Laptop, book.

Here are a few items I brought with the first baby that I did not put in my hospital bag for the second baby:

  • Boppy/breastfeeding pillow. It just got in the way and the nurses are wizards at getting you the perfect setup.

  • Too many onesies for baby.

  • Breast pump. My hospital provided a medical-grade pump and all of the accessories.

  • Sweatpants. I had post-partum hot flashes so sweatpants, while comfy, went unworn. If I got cold, I asked for more blankets.

  • Maternity underwear. The hospital provides maternity underwear and pads. As I side note, I wore Depend Silhouette after both babies, linked here.

  • Diapers or wipes. Both are provided by the hospital.

  • Books or entertainment. I was induced with baby #1 and thought I’d be in it for the long haul and would settle in after my epidural. My book and ipad never left my bag.

*Another tip, leave room in your bag for the hospital-provided items to take home. Most hospitals will provide diapers, wipes, pads, underwear, bulb syringe, baby soap, pump accessories, formula, etc.


